Wednesday, October 04, 2006

blogger beta

On a completely different note, I've switched my blog over to Blogger beta today. The Blogger navbar is different, and seems to be working only when it feels like doing so, though once I caught it displaying the top row of my Flickr badge. Weird.

The new features in Blogger beta are very cool. My favorite is the instant and automatic publishing. Gone are the days where you have to remember to republish after you change so much as a character of code on your template! Gone are the waits as the percentage uploaded slowly increases. Now, the uploads are instantaneous, and it automatically saves changes you make to your template or settings without having to go through the republishing process. There are also some new template customization tools (which I haven't used, because I've worked too long on mine) that seem pretty cool and could potentially be useful. Also, the user interface is just slightly different, and a bit more intuitive in my opinion. If you want to make the transfer, go to the Blogger beta homepage, The only catch is that some third parties won't be able to integrate with the beta (Flickr, Digg (?), etc), along with the usual quirks and oddities that are to be expected with any beta.


Blogger J. Quiring said...

How do you move your current blog to the beta area? I went over to beta and it is completely empty and I have to create a new beta account.

9:09 PM  
Blogger J. Quiring said...

Never mind. I found out here that it's not yet available for my account. I can only use the beta as a test and I'll be able to merge the beta account to my regular account later.

Oh well.

9:16 PM  
Blogger John Mark said...

Yes, unfortunately it's only for standard blogs right now. Hopefully they'll get it all translated soon!

9:34 PM  

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