danielle's blog post
Okay imagine this. There is a place where every single person walks around with these beautiful smiles and big innocent eyes, and the younger ones look up to the older ones and the older ones look at them lovingly and give them advice. The older ones correct, encourage, and discipline, and everyone says "oh how sweet. this person is beautiful and sweet and perfect." But it's all a lie. Precious few can see that these people with the beautiful smiles and innocent eyes are wearing masks. They are cleverly crafted, but if one looks close enough one can see the seam. Underneath is a person just as broken and deceitful as the rest of us. They are no better than we are and yet they play an intricate game merely to convince us that they are. But they are the cheats, the liars, the easy, the addicted, and the hypocrites. BIG FAT HYPOCRITES. and yet not one person sees it. They can stand up in front of everyone and proclaim how wonderful God is yet they are lying to us. They are lying to themselves. They are lying to God. And all they are doing is helping the younger ones build their own masks. And the few who can see this eventually realize that others can see it too and they aren't so few afterall. So why does the charade go on? Is it so frickin hard to show who you are? What are you so afraid of? It just makes me want to scream in frustration!!!! Why were we created so differently only to strive to be the same, to convince others that we are so different than we really are? The masks we wear are the burdens we bear and these masks only make the wearer seem the fool, and everyone but he can tell. So take off the masks, and be vulnerable for once. Everyone just wants to be loved no matter what they say, yet how can you be truly loved if you wont let people see you, flaws and all? No one asked for perfection, just honesty. Haha, so about this place? Welcome to Alma Heights.
A bold statement by Danielle. Comments? I have my own opinion, but I'll post that after I see what you guys are thinking. What do you think, and why?
A bold statement by Danielle. Comments? I have my own opinion, but I'll post that after I see what you guys are thinking. What do you think, and why?
Well at least I know and recognize that, in fact, I am a godless heathen.
I was about to go to bed until I read this, so I decided to respond:
Generalizations, like that one, are usually not true. However, I'd have to agree with her on some points. Many people at AHCA do what they think they are supposed to do... but for the wrong reasons. Even as a teacher I see the different sides of many students (possibley because some students are more open with me than to other teachers). Many want to please their authority figures, so they act in a way which the authority expects of them without changing their heart. However, there are many authentic people who have a true desire to serve God.
I remember reading a devotional which described the "compliant rebel". He obeys outwardly, but has a defiant heart. We are ALL guilty of it at one time or another. So what's wrong with it? God views rebellion (even of the heart) just as witchcraft. When we serve with such a rebellious heart it saddens God just as much as if we were worshiping Satan [God Forbid!].
So how does one change so his motives are right? Well, the Bible tells us to examine our motives. Even though we are doing "good," we must be doing it for the right reasons. It is between God and us, and we cannot usually tell others' motives. However we can often see their fruit. If a person has a rebellious or corrupt heart, some bitter fruits will come from that individual, despite any facade.
In addition, if we as Christians see a fault in another, it is our Christian duty to come to our fellow Christian and tell him/her that what he/she is doing is unbiblical. Some people would say, "well, that's being judgemental." I agree. The Bible (when taken in its context) never tells us not to be judgemental , but it tells us to judge by the same standards we expect to be judged by -- the Word of God. I hope that if we see a fellow Christian is being hypocritical, we can go to him/her and express our perception. Maybe we saw something the wrong way... or maybe there is something our fellow believer NEEDS to hear. I hope that if I am in that situation, someone will come to me and help to make me humble and obedient to God. It will probably hurt along the way, but it would be for my own good!
So how can you/me [we] make AHCA a better place?
(1) Examine ourselves and our motives (2 Cor. 13:2-6)
(2) Confront a fellow brother/sister who is in sin (Mt. 18)
(3) Pray for our fellow believers, especially those in sin (Eph. 6:18; Jms 5:16)
(4) Confess your since to one another, especially in repentance (Jms 5:16; et al)
(5) Pray for those in authority over us (1 Tim 2: 1-4)
I don't mean to preach, but only to help edify the body, which includes you, me, and any other believers in Christ. AHCA isn't nearly perfect, and never will be while its members are on earth and have a sinful body. My only hope is that we can all continue to grow and become more Christlike, including taking off any masks or facads to hide our true selves and motives.
that's funny, i was going to paste your response onto danielle's thing, but you already did it!! you're just so on top of things, mr. q.
thanks for the encouragement.
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