Friday, May 19, 2006

pray for me please

We're missing $500 from our Valentines' Day grams. It came to our attention because somehow Mrs. Akers wrote a $300 check instead of a $3 check. Rachelle went to Mrs. Angie to collect the money from our account to reimburse her, and found that the amount had not been deposited.

Rachelle called me about it after school. According to her, she gave me the money after the fundraiser, and I had said that I would take it Mrs. Angie that Friday when she was in her office. I vaguely remember this, and also remember being disappointed because she wasn't in her office that day, and I couldn't deliver to her, as planned. The question remains: where is the money now?

It's not at my house, I've done several intensive sweeps and organizations of all my things the past few months, and I would have probably taken notice of an envelope with $500. Samantha, our treasurer, does not have the money.

I thought that perhaps Samantha had it and had not deposited it, but that theory proved false (Samantha is our class treasurer).

The fact is, it's my fault that the money is missing (or so it seems, at this point), and if I can't find the money, it'll have to come out of my pocket. For some reason though, the distant recesses of my mind are telling me to check my locker at school, which makes sense because I may have decided to put it there until I could deliver it, but in my absent-mindedness forgotten all about it. This is not only embarrassing for me but involves huge repercussions and consequences. Please pray that I find that money, or that I discover who has it or what was done with it. As class representative, it would be my responsibility whether I had misplaced it or not.

It's really not fair to anyone (including myself) that the money is missing. We worked very hard for that money, and to lose it because of my carelessness is truly a disgrace.

May God in his mercy solve this problem quickly and painlessly.


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