Thursday, August 10, 2006

Nutty-Honey sandwich

While lamenting over what was sure to be a boring lunch, I decided to experiment with some of my available ingredients, and the result was what I like to call the Nutty-Honey sandwich.

Two slices of bread (duh)...whole wheat recommended
Pistachio nuts (Trader Joe's has them already shelled)
Cashew Butter (Peanut Butter works, but Cashew Butter has a creamier taste, and is better in my can get it at Trader Joe's)

Toast your bread. After it's toasted, spread on a thick layer of Cashew Butter, then a layer of Honey (fairly thick, some like it sweeter than others), and finally some pistachios for a nice crunch. Add as much or little as you want, depending on your taste. I've tested it on my siblings, and they llike it quite a bit. It's a sticky sandwich, though, and goes best with a tall glass of milk.


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