Saturday, March 24, 2007

don't just take my word for it!

Hey, turns out I'm not crazy after all! Here's what other students, from Alma Heights and from other private Christian schools, have been saying:

Dude just one more year for you, I have two, quit your
Alma Heights sucks, we all know! You hit it right on the dot, that it is mainly the teachers fault for everyone being the way they are and act. I'm positive that a majority of the students would enjoy going to this school more if it wasn't for the teachers making dumb rules and changing everything with no ones consent.

Banquet on the other hand....LOL what a waste of time and money is going into that whole production. Maybe you'll get 5 more people to your banquet than we did to ours, which would make the grand total to ...tabulating .... 5!

Ahhh I love making fun of our school.
[-Nick Knight]

thank you for recognizing our hard work.
the apathy, on the students' part is so discouraging, everyday hear complaints about everything...but few people actually stand up and do anything about it or even back up the statements they make in their whining, which is why i always appreciate your opinion on these things...

i totally agree with what you said, it happens in our senior meetings too, it's over stupid things like senior sweatshirts...we want a certain design on our sweatshirt but the faculty member who has the power to approve or deny our design wanted changes made, not because it was inappropriate but because that person didn't like the composition...("this little part is a little distracting)'s infuriating. and this is one reason i'm glad to be graduating. i have had some amazing teachers these past four years and i'm so grateful for them but this year has been ridiculous...between unproductive spanish classes and stressful banquet's just too much.
[-Janice Li]

Wow, it seems as though you could be talking about LCS! The control by the adminstration and faculty is ridiculous here, too. Being senior class president and on student council, we have suggested numerous ways to improve the school and events, but all recommendations are immediately shot down, with no consideration. It's certainly frustrating because it seems like they don't trust the students. And, I'm with you on the dancing issue as well :) Hope you're doing well and good luck trying to change all of these things!
[-Kate Bean, from Lakeland, Florida]

This sound way too much like the stuff at my school. Seriously. It's almost the same. Our "prom" is a banquet with minimal entertainment and where the "six-inch rule" is enforced. One good thing is that parents have taken it into their own hands to plan dances after the banquets for the kids to enjoy.

Keep up the great blogs, John Mark!
[-Joe Nederveld, Lakeland, Florida]

Xanga (my personal favorite):
Wow. For once (usually I have one or two objections, but not this time), I completely, utterly, and totally agree with every word you just wrote. You've just about summed up every student at Alma Height's frustrations, rages, anger, and scorn for the hypocrisy that goes on at good ol' AHCA. Unlike you, though, I'm a lot more vehement and angry, as an "underclassman". I could really learn to hate that word.

Before this year, I didn't have any idea what that really meant, but now it's arrived like some kind of nasty term of derision. Last year was one of the best schoolyears of my little life. I felt really connected to all of the classes and the school seemed great. But now, it's been stripped away. We've been herded away like little inferior sheep from the rest of the flock, from electives to the play to banquet. Only a handful, and mostly the sports teams, really have much interaction with the upperclassmen AT ALL. Those of us who can't join sports teams or be on student council are cut off. To the underclassmen that I've spoken to, we've just about had it. Banquet was going to be the one redeeming point (if we could find a compassionate and kind upperclassman to take us, the stinky little runts, as dates), but now we're not even allowed to go? And for what purpose? Why is it so harmful if a handful of little inferior sheep make it into the banquet? Do they think we're going to be rowdy, immature, and careless? What is their problem with us this year? A night at Elephant Bar and watching a BALLET cannot appease us. I went, and I had a decent time, but it just wasn't the same. Not in the least. It was me, three of my friends, and the freshmen, who are blissfully ignorant the degrading situation we underclassmen are in.

We have next to no voice. Our reps have tried hard to put in words for us with the faculty, only to have their words fall on deaf ears, even when their arguments have no error in them. More often that not, the teachers refuse to listen to reason. I could name the two that make my blood boil in particular, but I'll refrain for the safety of my own life. :P

It's beyond frustrating to be an "underclassman" this year. My only happiness about this schoolyear is that it's just about over.

~*a sickened underclassman [Rachel Grussi]

Well there you go! I haven't lost my mind. Mature, upright, law-abiding students are expressing the same concerns. Isn't that interesting?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Garis: LFM teachers that know what there doing.

Garis: WTS [Alma Heights] 1g PST!!

Garis: Need Healer for Alma Heights, have tank, and 2 others...ask for invite.

Garis has challenged Alma Heights to a duel.

Duel cancelled

Garis dances!

Garis laughs out loud!

1:33 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Oh man, as much as I liked those other comments, I think I like the one right above mine the best.

That was hilarious.

5:07 PM  

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