Friday, March 02, 2007

free will song

Oh man.

The poster was not joking around with this one, but some people took it as such:P Some of my favorite comments on this video:

"Wow, that was hillarious! Thanks for posting that, I'm going to show all of my friends for a good laugh."

"The theology in this song is so bad that it is beyond words."

"Man has free will, but God does not. Man gets what he wants, but God does not. God will not thwart the will of man, but man thwarts the will of God. When I first saw this, I thought it was a joke, but I guess not!"

"Perhaps we should be grateful for someone who can confidently give us 'God's own perspective.' I hear that is hard to come by."

"'Joy Quartet', collectively walk into a deep mineshaft. Please."

"holds everything in his hands? everything but... us? oh, i get it now. ha!"

"The opening part is so flat, it demonstrates that he used his free will not to learn how to carry a pitch."

"HAHA!!! RFLMAO!!! HILARIOUS~ please make more like these!"

That pretty much sums it up for me!


Blogger J. Quiring said...

Anyone who claims to completely understand how God reconciles man's free will with His sovereignty is, at the least, a bit arrogant. And those who teach only predestination or only free will neglect large portions of scripture that points to the other. The Bible is full of scriptures which point to both. The interaction of those two (seemingly contradicting and paradoxical) themes runs throughout the Bible. Yet, if the Bible is the Word of God, both must be true and work in harmony. Isaiah 55:9 says "for [as] the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my [God's] ways higher than your [man's] ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."

Taking the Bible at face value: God does predestine his elect; those who God calls will choose to follow. The Bible says it -- that's all I need to know. I don't care what one-thousand debating theologians discuss about the nuances of both/either. I understand that God is ultimately in control: He called me to service; and I chose to follow Him. Is it possible that I said "no" to Him? I don't think it's worth the brain cells trying to reconcile this. That's like debating whether 100,000 angels could fit on the head of a needle -- foolishness! There are so many more important things to spend our energy on than debating such menial topics... like preaching and living the gospel, like teaching and discipling believers, like loving God and our neighbors more!

But does God rely completely on man choosing to follow Him as this song would imply? Obviously, not.

Here's one of the most gut-wrenching phrases from the song: "Only willing love is worth the price".

Even if I were 100% willing, would I be worth it because of that?!? I am not worthy! It's because of who God is, not because of what I have done or believe -- that's works!

Here's another odd part of the song: "I give you freedom. Is it 'yes' or 'no'." Well to those who are free. It's obviously, "yes." :-)

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

On a side note: PCC started pushing controversial theology in an arrogant manner towards the end of my time there. It's one thing to believe in such theology; it's another to teach it that dogmatically. I would not recommend it for that reason (among others).

10:04 PM  
Blogger John Mark said...

Thanks for your comment. I agree with what you're saying. I would also add that the predestination-leaning camp is certainly not innocent of smug remarks and dogmatic teaching. I guess the main point here is that some simply refuse to acknowledge clear evidence from the other side. The paradox of human choice vs. God's will never really be settled in this age, but as you said, God's thoughts are higher than ours.

I agree with what you say about "willing love", and unfortunately we seem to be indoctrinated with that theory quite a bit at Alma Heights. "All God wants is a willing heart." ALL religions say that. God wants a perfect heart, and the redemptive grace of the gospel is what makes that possible. Food for thought, I suppose.

10:49 PM  

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