Saturday, May 20, 2006

message from tuber

This was in response to Mr. Q's response to Danielle's Myspace post by Tuber:

well, im not much of a speaker, but yeah. Ive noticed that most christians, mostly children, more adults, dont know why they do the christian things that they do. I have friends here at this school in japan that claim to be christians, but dont go to the weekly sunday school.

There are also people that arent christians, but are sent here just because their parents told them to. Im not saying that thats a bad thing, since we can lead them to christ, but there are people(at least one that i know) that claim theyre going to be a pastor, to spread the words of the bible, of course, but mainly because they(he) thinks the pastors nowaday are teaching falsely. They(He) believes that smoking, and drinking is not a bad thing at all. Now the Bible doesnt directly say not to smoke or to drink(says dont get drunk), but the Bible definitely says that your body is the tabernacle of the holy spirit, and that you are not to do things that would uncleanse it.

sorry bouts the english skills. i havent had a lot of chances to speak it for nearly an year.

well, live fun,


P.S. coming this winter if I can find a part-time job for the summer.

P.S.S. looking for someone to take me in for the few days im gonna be in SF when i do come!!(moms moving to NY)

Don't know if I agree with everything he says, but I'm not going to start an argument. It's good to hear from him. I thought you guys would enjoy it.


Blogger J. Quiring said...

I challenge all Christians to understand why they believe the things they do by studying the Bible and finding Biblical principles for their beliefs. Of course, God has given our elders, leaders, and pastors wisdom and authority in teaching us, but in order to have a genuine faith, it must be real to us... otherwise, we're just living out someone else's faith.

I am still in my own search for why I believe all the things I do. I may not ever be done with that search, but in it, I am growing closer to God. Maybe someday I'll write a book about it... But right now, that sounds like too much work; I'm much too busy for that kind of thing.

Thanks for the update from Tuber.


PS - I'm praying for you!

6:27 PM  

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