Saturday, October 14, 2006

stephen colbert on the morning shows


Blogger J. Quiring said...

Wexler later said in that interview, "I enjoy the company of prostitutes for the following reasons: ... because it's a fun thing to do, much like cocaine. If you combine the two together, it's probably even more fun."

I think our representatives do need to be able to joke around once and while. Do I think his statements were a bit obsurd (and maybe foolish)? Yes. If I were from his district in Florida, would I care? No. It's obvious (from his votes) where he stands on both cocaine use and prostitution. It was obviously a joke. If he said those things on

Why do people take politicians' appearances on that show seriously? If he had said those things on the national news or in a debate, that would be a completely different story. Those morning shows are too funny; they dramatize EVERYTHING for ratings.

Such is life.

5:49 PM  
Blogger J. Quiring said...

Wexler later said in that interview, "I enjoy the company of prostitutes for the following reasons: ... because it's a fun thing to do, much like cocaine. If you combine the two together, it's probably even more fun."

I think our representatives do need to be able to joke around once and while. Do I think his statements were a bit obsurd (and maybe foolish)? Yes. If I were from his district in Florida, would I care? No. It's obvious (from his votes) where he stands on both cocaine use and prostitution. It was obviously a joke.

Why do people take politicians' appearances on that show seriously? If he had said those things on the national news or in a debate, that would be a completely different story. Those morning shows are too funny; they dramatize EVERYTHING for ratings.

Such is life.

5:50 PM  

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