Saturday, November 26, 2005

bad hair month

So today I finally cut my hair, and I must say that my hair has gone from pretty bad to pretty bad, if not worse. Shall I describe the incident? Just so you know, this happens EVERY TIME I get my haircut.
We went to Supercuts, because it's like the only place, unless you want to get a really expensive cut. Supercuts, for some reason, has a staff fully comprised of Asians who don't speak English (I'm not trying to be racist, this is just the fact of the matter). I went to Supercuts ONCE and got a haircut from a lady who spoke English and was from Brazil, and it was one of the best haircuts I've ever had. They probably fired her because she doesn't speak Chinese. So of course, I get my hair cut by a lady who doesn't speak English. She asked me what I wanted (I just assumed that's what she asked, since she started speaking to me) and I said I wanted a nice trim, but not too short (because I was trying to avoid what I have now). She started speaking in tongues (it certainly wasn't english), and somehow I picked up the phrase "same style." So I said "Yeah, the same style, that will be fine..." but I said it uneasily, because I really didn't know what that meant. So she barely cut it, and it wasn't looking too bad, it just needed a little bit more here and there. I was afraid, though, so I said "Yeah, that's fine." My dad came over to inspect it and said "It needs a little more cut from the back, it's still bushy there." And since I couldn't see the back, I figured heck, if it's a little too bushy, a little more off won't hurt. But rather than continue cutting with her scissors, she took out the shaver and resorted to buzzing not only the back of my head, but my sides as well. All the while I stared at the mirror in horror as I slowly realized that this was exactly what I had been trying to avoid. I don't know what the style is in China, but apparently it's big, poofy bowl cuts. The top of my head has a normal length (a little shorter than before), and my sides and back are buzzed. So now, especially when it grows out, it will turn into this mushroom-like atomic-bomb-cloud thing. This happens EVERY TIME. The reason my hair wasn't like that these past few months is because I had it cut in the summer in Florida by an English-speaking American who was probably legally there and understood what I said when I spoke. So that's my situation right now. My hair is horrible. I'm considering getting a buzz cut in order to start over fresh, but I really don't know. I'm sort of stuck right now. Anyways, I'm probably making too big of a deal out of this, I mean, it's just my hair. But it's still pretty bad.

On a lighter note, I saw "Walk the Line" today in theaters, and I enjoyed it (yes, I had to go out in public with this hair, I was lucky not to run into someone I know). I thought it was really good, I recommend seeing it when you get the chance.

This is one of those posts where I jumble a lot of things together, I think. Slashdot was talking about Creationism the other day. Well, actually, they got the terms mixed up. They called it "intelligent design" but were really talking about Creationism. Creationism is the theory that Genesis 1 is the literal account of the creation. Intelligent Design is only the theory that there is some kind of intellegent purpose behind creation. This theory isn't necessarily associated with Christianity or the Bible. What's my opinion? I think Creationism is absurd. Don't misunderstand me on this one; God could have created the universe in seven literal days. Sure, that's entirely within the scope of possibility. But that doesn't mean it's the only way period and there's no exception unless you're not a Christian who takes the Bible seriously. What I have against Creationism and our Bob Jones text books is that Creationism is the only way and that Evolution is evil and satanic and counter-Biblical. I don't mind if you prove evolution wrong scientifically, but leave God out of it. Why is the first chapter of Genesis not to be interpreted literally? Because it's a poem.

How do we know it's a poem? It's arranged in verse, and repeats many phrases (as in a chorus or refrain) like "and He saw that it was good", etc. But let's pretend it's a literal account for a moment. When were plants made? Any Biblical Creationist scholar can tell you that it was on the third day. And when was man created? The sixth day. So since this text is to be taken literally, it must be chronological as well. So plants, then man. But what does chapter 2 of this story say? It finishes up chapter one by saying that God rested on the seventh day. Ok, that's great, but what does it say after that? It says "When the Lord God made the earth and the heavens--and no shrub of the field had yet appeared on the earth and no plant of the field had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no man to work the ground..." Hmm, what's this? An apparent contradiction between two accounts of the same thing.

Not an apparent contradiction, however, if the first Chapter of Genesis is to be read as a poem or a song.
There are many parts of the Bible that are not necessarily to be taken literally. Genesis 1, the Psalms, and Revelations are three of the most common examples. Revelations is full of metaphors and imagery, so it can't be said that it is completely literal, as so many interpretations can be drawn from it. We do know that it is talking about a literal event--the end of the age; just as Genesis 1 is talking about a literal event--the creation of the world. But how that came about is unknown simply because no clear account is given and no one who is alive today saw it happen.

Now, if one thinks evolution is wrong because it is scientifically disprovable, I'm all for it. That's perfectly fine with me, and I just might agree with you. However, it is not disprovable by the scriptures. God's word is not a science textbook, nor a history textbook, nor a math textbook. It is a book about God and the gospel of Christ, which is something that goes beyond all things you learn in Science and History and Math. When we try to use it as anything else, we distort it's meaning and use it as something that is not intended for it to be used.

Just an example from one of our own textbooks, they mentioned a theory that the "water turning to blood" plague that was inflicted on the Egyptians by Moses was actually a large spawn of red algae that made the water smell bad and undrinkable. Our textbooks, however, disproved this theory as unbiblical since the Bible says the word "blood" and that algae can't possibly spawn that quickly anyways. So what? Perhaps the interpretation is more along the lines of "like blood"..."made the water like blood", and perhaps God used algae to fulfill His purpose? Who knows? It could even be blood. Anything is possible. But one can't claim to know that based solely on the scriptures because they simply do not provide enough clear information on the matter. The reason for that is that it's completely unimporant. In other words, God doesn't give a crap whether you think he turned water into blood or whether he used algae. He's trying to make a point. He's inflicting hardship on the Egyptians through Moses in a miraculous way, in order to teach them a lesson and free his people. That's all that matters. We could just as easily argue about whether Moses' staff was made of oak or birch. Who cares?

So that's my take on things. I believe that God created the world and that we, as humans, are his "chosen" creation, set apart for His redemptive purpose. The scientific theory that is the closest to my statement is Intelligent Design, so that's why I choose that.

Whew! From bad haircuts to Johnny Cash to Creationism and Intelligent Design. That's my definition of a post. Just so you know, I'm not trying to sound mean or cocky in these posts, though it may be taken that way (and often I get that impression myself when re-reading them). Please know that I believe all of this firmly because I believe it to be the truth, which corresponds with most important truth of all: the gospel of Jesus Christ. That truth is the center of my beliefs.

Monday, November 21, 2005

those darn calvinists

I just had to post this, it's too funny. I think you guys will like it. It's from my friend's blog:

This is a great top 10 list form Alan Farhi:


1. Calvinists tend to wear wool and cotton. Dispensationalists tend to wear lime-green polyester leisure suits.

2. John Calvin was French. Being French is very chic.

3. Calvin sounds like Calvin Klein, and his clothes are very chic.

4. Calvinists can drink.

5. Calvinists can smoke.

6. Dispensationalists are into prophecy conferences where they talk about Star-Trek eschatology and the mark of the Beast. Calvinists have conferences on "life and culture", art, social justice and other high-brow things like that. Afterwards, they go to the local pub and talk about philosophy over a pint of Bass ale.

7. Calvinists have close ties with Scotland and Scotland is very cool - you know, Sean Connery, the movie Highlander, Bagpipes, the Loch Ness Monster, McCallan 18 year old Scotch, the movie Trainspotting, etc.

8. Calvinists think they are smarter than anybody else.

9. It is more socially acceptable to say, "I go to Grace Presbyterian Church" than to say, "I go to Sonlife Charismatic Believers Assembly", or to say "I go to Boston Berean Bible Believing Baptist Bethel", or to say "I go to the Latter-Day-Rain Deliverance Tabernacle Prophecy Center, Inc.", or to say "I go to the Philadelphia Church of the Majority Text", or to say" I go to Soul Saving Station #3", or to say "I go to the Lithuanian Apostolic Orthodox Autocephalic Church of the Baltic union of 1838."

10. Ultimately, I am a Calvinist because I had no choice in the matter.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

chocolate windmills

Here it is, the post you've been waiting for, my cynical commentary on SC retreat!! Hooray! You get to hear John Mark's negative, derrogatory opinions on our experience! Woot!

Just kidding, I actually don't really have any negatives about our trip. I'll try to cover everything.

Playing viola was much fun; it was a very different experience for me. I cringed sometimes when listening to myself on the video recordings, sometimes getting a little to high or fast or not quite hitting the note...string instruments are no piece of cake. I think everyone on the worship team did an excellent job.

Our speaker was pretty good, I was definitely entertained, and I liked a lot of what he had to say. You guys already know my opinion on altar calls, so you know my opinion of his closing on the first night; however, I wasn't too bothered by it. His way of doing it was slightly better, I think, because it encourages true conviciton...there is a greater chance that someone who truly felt that way would have stood when everyone was watching. I still think it is best to let people process the information and come to a conclusion independently, perhaps to ask questions or think it over.

I also enjoyed our meeting we had on Thursday night, and I think we should have a meeting like that periodically throughout the year, in order to check up on our progress. Here are some things that I thought were most important and were mentioned that night:

As a student body and as a student council, we are united. There aren't any divisions or rebellions or anything of the sort. The smallness of the school plays a role in that, and the smallness also allows more intimacy between upper and lower classmen. Another way the smallness contributes to the good of our school is the relationships between the faculty and the students; the teachers are very involved and can get to know their students personally so that they can teach them better and care for them. Alma Heights has great teachers to begin with, so this makes it even better:)

Lack of spirit/motivation - Lets face it: it's hard to get people motivated for things. We need to work on how to get their attention.
Lack of communication - We need colorful, noticeable signs everywhere for things, instead of black-and-white Xerox copies. I mean, they don't even have to be in color, but the papers can be colored to draw attention. Laura mentioned that she went to Lowell and saw fliers and colorful papers everywhere, as a model of what we should strive for.

"Reaching out" to new students and the lower classes - We can make a huge impact on the Jr. Highers and middleschoolers. I mean, they think we're gods or something. Just by saying "hi" to them, you can make their day..."OMG!!! John Mark said "Hi" to me when we were passing in the hallway!! I'm so cool now!" Of course, that phrase is said by almost everyone, not just the little kids.

Lazines/Delegation of Authority - I don't know how else to put this...people need to do their jobs, and pronto!! This includes me, of course. It probably applies to me more than anyone else.

Hypocracy - We, as student leaders, are called to set an example for everyone else. We need to strive to do God's will and share his love with everyone.

Gospel Communication - This was that comment I made, using the Latter-Day Saints as an example, perhaps you remember. I'll recap. A threat to any Christian body, whether it be church, school, youth group, etc., is a lack or misunderstanding of the gospel. The Latter-Day Saints have many disfunctionalities which I will not discuss, but the main problem is that they don't understand the gospel. During Joseph Smith's days, a great "spiritual revival" was occuring. Unfortunately, during this time period, though many were led to Christ, a solid theological foundation was not commonly set into place, which gave rise to many cults such as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Shakers, etc. As a Christian body, we must be careful to make the proper distinction between Christianity and the other religions, which is that Salvation comes by Grace through faith, and not by works. The problem with cults and even some denominations that are considered to be Christian (but aren't, in my opinion) is their understanding that works are an obligation. Works are rather a response to God's unfathomable love and grace which arise naturally out of true faith. Therefore, when discussing things like James 2 ("Faith without deeds is dead"), rather than say "Ha! See! You have to do good things, otherwise you don't have faith," we must rather say "Those who really have true faith naturally possess the Holy Spirit, who enables us to fulfill the good works God has planned for us." So, I am NOT comparing Alma Heights to the Latter-Day Saints, but we must be careful not to put ourselves in such a position.

Wow, I put a lot under that last comment, but all of the things SC came up with that night are very important. I'm sad it's over, but I had a truly amazing time with everyone.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

imac pics

A few pictures taken with the new iMac at the apple store. Photo Booth is sweet. I forgot to try out Front Row, and I'm kicking myself for it. I think the fourth one makes me look like a tauren:D

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

of outlets and candy canes

Lately I've had a serious problem of downloading music. I mean, it's serious. I've downloaded so much music (and no, not music from iTunes). So far, I've downloaded Nirvana, The Killers, the Complete U2, the Shins, Dashboard Confessional, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, The White Stripes, Imogen Heap, Jack Johnson, Weezer, Ok Go, and Jimmy Eat World. Some of those artists have multiple albums that I have downloaded. I'll probably continue in the pattern, because even now as I type this post, I can think of other artists that I am interested in hearing. I recommend all of the above artists, by the way:)

What is music? Actually, a better question might be "Why am I so obsessed with it?" Why am I so obsessed with music? I have no idea.

If you wanted to look at it scientifically, you could say that it's various sound frequencies travelling through the air in various frequencies and combinations, and my ears interpret it as good or bad. Yet is goes so much further than that. Listening to music can change your outlook on life, or your mood. It doesn't even have to have words. Somehow, music makes a leap from the eardrums to the soul. What on earth is music? It's quite abstract. Also, pardon me for being blunt, but how did God come up with something like that? What the hell was he thinking? How does it occur to someone to invent something like that? It's amazing. AMAZING.

I think this massive wave of illegal downloading among the general population is sending a message to the record industry: "Lower your prices." I mean, you think about it, you pretty much have to pay $15 bucks for music. My philosophy is that music should be free. My logic is easily disproved, however, because if music were always free, artists wouldn't make money and there would be much less music in our world. But I do think that the record industry should lower the prices on everything. Otherwise, if I'm forced to get music the "legal" way at the same rate, I'll become bankrupt in a month. I really need to stop, though, because my rate has increased dramatically, which gives me less time to listen to music, because I'm constantly downloading new music. I need to take a break and listen to everything I've downloaded thusfar.

Music is incredible, these shall be my closing words.

coveted snowbanks

Lets see. What to write about.

I suppose I can talk about creationism.

Nah, I'll save that for another time. I've gotta practice viola now. Oh, what bountiful measures of joy await me. Geez. I have to work on my bowhold. That totally suxors. I won't bother getting into details about that, it's way too boring. Let's just say it invovles pushing the bow up and down, with the pinky finger.

Friday, November 04, 2005

melancholy dandelions

Not much to report here, and I'm way too tired to talk about Calvinism, and I don't plan on talking about it at all. I've decided to post a screenshot of my latest playlist, just so you guys can see what I've been listening to lately. The order and content of the playlist are subject to change, so I'll update every now and then. Anyways, I highly recommend all of the songs.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

summer rain

Don't worry, Mr. Q. I wasn't offended, and I was in a bad mood when I made that post. I also hastily read your comment, and probably didn't interpret it correctly. I stand by my statements, but you aren't narrow-minded, nitpicky, or determined to condemn. If anyone is nitpicky and determined to condemn, it's me (I try not to be narrow-minded, but I don't know how good I am at it).

I've been very nitpicky lately about things that don't matter very much, like songs playing on people's blogs. I still think it's a good idea not to have a song playing in your xanga, but there's not a lot I can say that will make people change their minds. Chris is right, but my argument was more motivated by selfish intentions. Thank you, Nicole, for presenting a reasonable argument. You actually made me think twice! That's quite an accomplishment, because I'm usually a very stubborn person. Different people like different "scents"(referring to Chris' symbolism in his comment), I guess you could say, which is why I think the best idea is to mention the artist, album, and name of song that you want people to hear. If the reader likes what you likes and is interested in what you like, they'll check it out, and perhaps enjoy it in a comfortable atmosphere of their preference. If you're "mega-advanced," like me, you could link to the song to iTunes. I won't bother explaining how to do that now, but it's very easy, I can assure you. Anyways, express yourselves, but keep the viewer in mind as you edit your look.

I also have realized how obsessive I was in my past few blogs about U2. They're a great band, but you guys are probably really tired of reading about how great Bono is. I don't blame you, forgive me for that one, I'm a strange person. So, I'm going to do something that I've never done before, and that is to take requests on a topic. In order to make it up to you guys, I'm going to devote a post to whatever you guys want to talk about. It can be ANYTHING. Just give me a suggestion. Suggestions from Chris and Matt don't count. Matt will make a joke out of it, and Chris will pick something really complicated (which I don't mind, as long as it comes from someone other than Chris:). I have nothing against Matt's joking and Chris' complicated-ness, but I'd like to hear from other people. So go wild. Get your revenge. I want to see what you guys come up with. Oh yeah, Mr. Q doesn't count either.