Tuesday, November 01, 2005

summer rain

Don't worry, Mr. Q. I wasn't offended, and I was in a bad mood when I made that post. I also hastily read your comment, and probably didn't interpret it correctly. I stand by my statements, but you aren't narrow-minded, nitpicky, or determined to condemn. If anyone is nitpicky and determined to condemn, it's me (I try not to be narrow-minded, but I don't know how good I am at it).

I've been very nitpicky lately about things that don't matter very much, like songs playing on people's blogs. I still think it's a good idea not to have a song playing in your xanga, but there's not a lot I can say that will make people change their minds. Chris is right, but my argument was more motivated by selfish intentions. Thank you, Nicole, for presenting a reasonable argument. You actually made me think twice! That's quite an accomplishment, because I'm usually a very stubborn person. Different people like different "scents"(referring to Chris' symbolism in his comment), I guess you could say, which is why I think the best idea is to mention the artist, album, and name of song that you want people to hear. If the reader likes what you likes and is interested in what you like, they'll check it out, and perhaps enjoy it in a comfortable atmosphere of their preference. If you're "mega-advanced," like me, you could link to the song to iTunes. I won't bother explaining how to do that now, but it's very easy, I can assure you. Anyways, express yourselves, but keep the viewer in mind as you edit your look.

I also have realized how obsessive I was in my past few blogs about U2. They're a great band, but you guys are probably really tired of reading about how great Bono is. I don't blame you, forgive me for that one, I'm a strange person. So, I'm going to do something that I've never done before, and that is to take requests on a topic. In order to make it up to you guys, I'm going to devote a post to whatever you guys want to talk about. It can be ANYTHING. Just give me a suggestion. Suggestions from Chris and Matt don't count. Matt will make a joke out of it, and Chris will pick something really complicated (which I don't mind, as long as it comes from someone other than Chris:). I have nothing against Matt's joking and Chris' complicated-ness, but I'd like to hear from other people. So go wild. Get your revenge. I want to see what you guys come up with. Oh yeah, Mr. Q doesn't count either.


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