I'm quite frustrated.
The Juniors are having a fundraiser tomorrow morning, selling doughnuts and hot chocolate. That's just fantastic. Only problem is, our class had that idea at the beginning of this year. Of course, the fundraiser was declined because the doughnuts and hot chocolate contain too much sugar, which would make the students hyper/distracted throughout the morning. The teachers didn't feel like they needed to deal with that. Well, that was then.
Now, though, the Juniors are doing it. And why? I really have no clue why. Maybe I'm missing something, but as far as I can see, the administration approved the exact same fundraiser for the Juniors, which was declined for us months before. Now, if our class and the Junior class had turned in the idea at around the same time, I would understand it to be nothing more than a seniority issue, and that is something I can deal with. But I can't deal with the fact that they changed their minds just in time for someone else to have the same brilliant idea. I'm not frustrated with the Juniors at all. I'm frustrated with whoever it is that allowed that fundraiser to pass (or whoever didn't let it pass for us in the first place.) What's most frustrating is that we've been spending a lot of time brainstorming on how we can provide a healthier, lower-sugar breakfast option that we can do in the mornings instead, that the administration would approve of. We were trying to work with the system! And then what happens? That's what happens.
We're also thinking of selling Jamba Juice after school Fridays, but hey! Would you look at that! The Juniors are selling "It's Its" after school on Fridays. So congrats Juniors, it's a double-whammy! We're probably going to try passing it anyways. There's nothing wrong with a little friendly competition, is there? Or perhaps it could be an every-other-Friday thing. I hope not, though. We don't have enough Fridays left in the year for that.
I will say, we Sophomores have been slow to act as far as fundraisers, but that's partly because of our fear of something that would cause it to be turned down, not to mention disasters that have occured in the past (like our valentines' day grams--I won't get into that. Let's just say it was a disaster, overall). But now it feels like our meticulous planning and precision has resulted in someone else blundering in with an idea we were already forced to dispose of and being successful with it. Not that I'm calling the Juniors stupid or blundering or anything like that;) Anyways, I'll support the Juniors however I can, but in the meantime I will have to find out the root of this problem and how it can be prevented in the future. Stuff like this just shouldn't happen at all. It's completely ridiculous and unacceptable.
The Juniors are having a fundraiser tomorrow morning, selling doughnuts and hot chocolate. That's just fantastic. Only problem is, our class had that idea at the beginning of this year. Of course, the fundraiser was declined because the doughnuts and hot chocolate contain too much sugar, which would make the students hyper/distracted throughout the morning. The teachers didn't feel like they needed to deal with that. Well, that was then.
Now, though, the Juniors are doing it. And why? I really have no clue why. Maybe I'm missing something, but as far as I can see, the administration approved the exact same fundraiser for the Juniors, which was declined for us months before. Now, if our class and the Junior class had turned in the idea at around the same time, I would understand it to be nothing more than a seniority issue, and that is something I can deal with. But I can't deal with the fact that they changed their minds just in time for someone else to have the same brilliant idea. I'm not frustrated with the Juniors at all. I'm frustrated with whoever it is that allowed that fundraiser to pass (or whoever didn't let it pass for us in the first place.) What's most frustrating is that we've been spending a lot of time brainstorming on how we can provide a healthier, lower-sugar breakfast option that we can do in the mornings instead, that the administration would approve of. We were trying to work with the system! And then what happens? That's what happens.
We're also thinking of selling Jamba Juice after school Fridays, but hey! Would you look at that! The Juniors are selling "It's Its" after school on Fridays. So congrats Juniors, it's a double-whammy! We're probably going to try passing it anyways. There's nothing wrong with a little friendly competition, is there? Or perhaps it could be an every-other-Friday thing. I hope not, though. We don't have enough Fridays left in the year for that.
I will say, we Sophomores have been slow to act as far as fundraisers, but that's partly because of our fear of something that would cause it to be turned down, not to mention disasters that have occured in the past (like our valentines' day grams--I won't get into that. Let's just say it was a disaster, overall). But now it feels like our meticulous planning and precision has resulted in someone else blundering in with an idea we were already forced to dispose of and being successful with it. Not that I'm calling the Juniors stupid or blundering or anything like that;) Anyways, I'll support the Juniors however I can, but in the meantime I will have to find out the root of this problem and how it can be prevented in the future. Stuff like this just shouldn't happen at all. It's completely ridiculous and unacceptable.
Dude, they seriously said the reason was because of the sugar content?
I thought that the human race had gone beyond the urban legend that sugar = activity.
Besides, whats stopping people from eating the stuff before school.
I have no problem publicly stating that I think whoever did not pass your thing was totally dumb. Yeah, I, Chris Knight, junior (not Chris Knight, JR but Chris Knight, who is a junior), am making a public statement that that person made a stupid decision. Deal with me as you will.
I agree that it does not seem fair. I have been asking questions and will try to come to the bottom of things. I hope the original complete answer was not "because the doughnuts and hot chocolate contain too much sugar, which would make the students hyper/distracted throughout the morning." It would seem hypocritical if they now allowed the Juniors to sell it if that were the only reason. Maybe there was more too it?
Anyway, like I said, I have been asking questions to solve the mystery.
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