firefox: solved (mostly)
After following both Matt and Mr. Q's advice (turns out that I did have some extensions that I wasn't aware of), Firefox is running much faster. It still takes longer to start up, but the speed in loading pages is the same as Safari. I think Safari creates the illusion that it's much faster because it loads all the data on the page as it comes, but Firefox pauses for a couple of seconds when opening a page, then immediately displays all the information at once. I guess it really comes down to preference as far as that goes. I'll most likely be using Firefox from now on (as I am now); it hasn't given me any problems or gotten hung up on anything so far.
I'm pretty sure Matt, Mr. Q, and Chris are the only three people who read my blog, but just in case...
If you don't have Firefox, click here or go to "". It's a much better browser than Internet Explorer (in fact, the Department of Homeland Security recommends it) because it's faster, more reliable, and much safer when it comes to accidentallly downloading viruses and other harmful files that could penetrate your computer when browsing the web. Firefox also has TONS of easy-to-use, practical features that Internet Explorer doesn't have, like tabbed browsing. Tabbed browsing has changed my life, I'm not even kidding. Downloading Firefox is completely free, quick, and easy. The installation is very basic, and you can even import all your preferences from Internet Explorer over to Firefox, so that your web browsing experience is virtually the same as before (but significantly better). Firefox very user-intuitive, which means you'll figure out how to use it in no time (not that there's really that much to figure out). To further add to the list of reasons why you should get Firefox, Internet Explorer is made by Microsoft, and Microsoft is trying to force proprietary web editing methods on all users worldwide. So, instead of complying to the standards of our technology, they want to make technology comply with their standards. Firefox is extremely versatile. What does this mean? It means that you can essentially enjoy many web designs and effects on Firefox that you can't enjoy on Internet Explorer. From what I know, Internet Explorer 7 (the next generation of Internet Explorer which has not yet been officially released) will not change in this regard.
In closing...GET FIREFOX!
I'm pretty sure Matt, Mr. Q, and Chris are the only three people who read my blog, but just in case...
If you don't have Firefox, click here or go to "". It's a much better browser than Internet Explorer (in fact, the Department of Homeland Security recommends it) because it's faster, more reliable, and much safer when it comes to accidentallly downloading viruses and other harmful files that could penetrate your computer when browsing the web. Firefox also has TONS of easy-to-use, practical features that Internet Explorer doesn't have, like tabbed browsing. Tabbed browsing has changed my life, I'm not even kidding. Downloading Firefox is completely free, quick, and easy. The installation is very basic, and you can even import all your preferences from Internet Explorer over to Firefox, so that your web browsing experience is virtually the same as before (but significantly better). Firefox very user-intuitive, which means you'll figure out how to use it in no time (not that there's really that much to figure out). To further add to the list of reasons why you should get Firefox, Internet Explorer is made by Microsoft, and Microsoft is trying to force proprietary web editing methods on all users worldwide. So, instead of complying to the standards of our technology, they want to make technology comply with their standards. Firefox is extremely versatile. What does this mean? It means that you can essentially enjoy many web designs and effects on Firefox that you can't enjoy on Internet Explorer. From what I know, Internet Explorer 7 (the next generation of Internet Explorer which has not yet been officially released) will not change in this regard.
In closing...GET FIREFOX!
You are correct that IE 7 will not be versatile. MS tried to make it more Firefox-like by adding tabs and cleaning up the interface, but with almost NO cutomization. From the early beta reviews, IE 7 has received very low scores (and by very low, I mean <5 out of 10). Firefox is still the best cross-platform browser.
I liked your shameless plug. Checkout the shamless plug I added to the almaheights beta page. Do you see any other changes I made to the formatting? To The Beta Page There are many subtle changes from gradients to transparencies.
Wow, just when I thought it couldn't look any cooler...everything's so clean and shiny-looking now! I love it, and the transparency in the dropdown menus is a really nice, sophisticated touch. The shameless plug is well-placed.
I guess you did leave a response
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