Monday, May 29, 2006

dancing...from the darkest circle of hell? or harmless fun?

Forgive the title. It's a bit exaggerated.

But really. What's the deal with dancing? Why is it not allowed? Everyone complains about it, yet no one gives a reason as to why it's not allowed. Most would settle for "ballroom" dancing, but even that isn't allowed. Any particular reason? Mr. Quiring, I guess this post is directed more specifically at you, since you're in touch with the Faculty's thinking. Why is dancing not allowed at Banquet?


Blogger J. Quiring said...

There are many reasons why dancing is not allowed and why AH does not host dances. The biggest reason is because many couples would take advantage of any opportunity to have innapropriate contact with each other (even with ballroom dancing). Another reason is that AH does not want to associate itself with having "dances" because of the view that the world has of dances. Then there is the "slippery slope" principle: if we allow one type of dancing, students will not be satified and will insist on something more... and more... and more (etc.) -- it's human nature. Another point is the fact that AH does not want to promote students to "couple-off" publicly (it's even in the handbook) [I don't know how the admin would justify the banquet re: this point, but the banquet is less of a couple-issue than a dance would be]. There are many detailed reasons, but it's covered very briefly in those points.

HERE'S MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION (not part of AH's policies): I don't like the title of your post because I don't think dancing is "from the darkest circle of hell" or "harmless fun". Dancing can be a very intimate activity between two people. I don't think teenagers (and single adults) should become that intimate with another person. Becoming intimate before marriage (whether physically or emotionally) can have long-lasting consequences, even after a person is married to another individual.

Most of you will probably say, "what's the big deal?" The big deal is we, as Christians, are supposed to set an example to the world. We should not have any occassion for someone to accuse us of sin. We should not give an opportunity to allow others to sin if we can prevent it. The staff at AH has a great responsibility before God and to the parents to help raise up the students to become more Christlike, and hopefully not provide the means for temptation or sin.

And really JM -- why all the generalizations?

"Everyone complains about it"? I doubt it.
"Most would settle for 'ballroom dancing'"? I don't think so.

Anyway, I'm sure the admin has other reasons which I don't know about, but I don't think it matters. American teens today spend too much time (and money) focusing on their relationships, then become too emotinoally attached too early. It's part of our culture and we can't get away from it. That does not mean we have to join them.

8:00 PM  
Blogger J. Quiring said...

Then again, maybe it's because no on wants to watch Matt dance.

8:01 PM  
Blogger J. Quiring said...

I'm just kidding Matt. I'm sure no one would want to see me dance, however.

5:34 PM  

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